
Welcome to Jefferson County

The Jefferson County Office of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service educates Texans in all areas of agriculture including horticulture, marine sciences, environmental stewardship, youth and adult life skills, human capital and leadership, and community economic development. We offer the knowledge resources of Texas A&M and Prairie View A&M Universities to educate Texans for self-improvement, individual action and community problem solving. We, the Jefferson County Office of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, are part of a statewide educational network and a member of the Texas A&M University System linked in a unique partnership with the nationwide Cooperative Extension System and Jefferson County Commissioners’ Court.

Extension values and promotes principles of citizen and community involvement, scientifically based education, lifelong learning and volunteerism.

The Jefferson County Office of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides access to all citizens and works cooperatively with other Texas A&M University System agencies and a host of governmental and external organizations to achieve our goal of educating the citizens of Jefferson County in every subject matter possible.